in caseo veritas

[ 16.9.03 ]

As promised, discrete points, a continuous freehand curve.

The addresses may change eventually. And don't laugh. It's my first attempt.
Cooper [19:25]

[ 15.9.03 ]

Sorry it's been awhile.

a)I was sick. Badness all around there.


So I just wrote the first two of those applets I was talking about. They allow the user to explore inverse functions; i.e. you draw a function on the axes and it plots the inverse of that function. When (if?) they get posted, I'll pop a link up here so you can peruse to your hearts' content. I'm rather proud of myself, since I came from no Java at all to those applets in about, oh, half to three-quarters of an hour.

My sister now has a 'blog! Check out the new link.

I tried 'Spicy Chicken Enchiladas' for lunch in the dining hall. They were neither spicy nor enchiladas. For one, they were made from wheat flour, which is ridiculous. I was like someone made bland chicken burritos and sprayed them with cream.

I swear, the Mexican food here is a cocktease.

I'm quite hyper this afternoon/evening, quite inexplicably. Could be the caffeine. Or the 96% I got on the Calc test I was worried about.
Cooper [18:53]