D00D! ahve you played teh new 1.6 Counterstrike!
Its totally sweet i totally PWNed sum n00bs!
Cooper [22:20]
Alex: what have you been up to?
Cooper: *shrug*
Cooper: little of everything
Alex: best of BOTH worlds?
Cooper: heh
Alex: oh how I want to be in that number
Cooper [15:03]
As promised, discrete points, a continuous freehand curve.
The addresses may change eventually. And don't laugh. It's my first attempt.
Cooper [19:25]
Sorry it's been awhile.
a)I was sick. Badness all around there.
So I just wrote the first two of those applets I was talking about. They allow the user to explore inverse functions; i.e. you draw a function on the axes and it plots the inverse of that function. When (if?) they get posted, I'll pop a link up here so you can peruse to your hearts' content. I'm rather proud of myself, since I came from no Java at all to those applets in about, oh, half to three-quarters of an hour.
My sister now has a 'blog! Check out the new link.
I tried 'Spicy Chicken Enchiladas' for lunch in the dining hall. They were neither spicy nor enchiladas. For one, they were made from wheat flour, which is ridiculous. I was like someone made bland chicken burritos and sprayed them with cream.
I swear, the Mexican food here is a cocktease.
I'm quite hyper this afternoon/evening, quite inexplicably. Could be the caffeine. Or the 96% I got on the Calc test I was worried about.
Cooper [18:53]
Well, the chimichangas are fairly good here.
Surprising, because all of the other 'Mexican' food is atrocious. Really it is.
The only problem with the chimichangas is the beef: it tastes like it was prepared by an Italian. Instead of diced onion, red chiles, jalapeno, and maybe some cumin, they prepared the ground beef with diced bell pepper and what I think was a hint of garlic, and lots of tomato.
But I'll take what I can get, I suppose.
Cooper [12:14]
Well, who's bored as fuck?
That's right, folks, Cooper is indeed bored as fuck.
You see, because all of the Lower Peninsula is an hour and a half at most from MSU, all the Michiganders go home for Labor Day.
And those who haven't left yet are at the football game. Which adds another level to the boredom: hearing the band and crowd from my room, and not really wanting to be at the game but at the same time envying those at the game for having something they want to do that they're doing.
I would go do something with the other out-of-staters (like Ashley upstairs, who's from Buffalo), but obviously none of us knows what there is to do here.
But last night was fun. Scary movie night in Inna's and Sarah's room. I skipped most of it except the last half of Requiem for a Dream. Then the movie night moved to Chris' room, where we watched the last half of The Two Towers. Suchness was fun.
But I guess the honeymoon's over. I'm thinking of closing my windows and busting the sax, seeing as I only have neighbours on one side (the other side is the laundry room/lounge area), and I think they're out, and in any case they blast loud music all the time with their door open.
So if you have any ideas on something fun I could do, gimme a shout out.
Cooper [13:17]
So now I not only have ninja friends, I also have bus driver friends.
Cooper [23:28]